
If you’re looking for a firm that will focus on your individual needs, and always treat you like a client who matters, look no further. Our firm is large enough to offer a full range of professional services, but small enough to give you the individual attention that you deserve.

We will thoroughly and conscientiously study your personal situation, and tailor our advice to your specific needs.

Accounting Software Selection & Implementation

Sifting through the vast array of accounting software systems available today can feel overwhelming. The best solution for your business will deliver the capabilities you need through a verified secure platform, without making you overpay for features you will never use.

We will analyze your business sector, current transactions, future plans and emerging needs, helping you to identify a software solution that balances ease of use with the flexibility to grow with your company. We will also evaluate your current technology to help you determine whether your business would be best served by locally-hosted software or a software subscription plan (Software as a Service (SaaS)).

Once you have selected the best solution for you, we will work with key personnel throughout your organization to implement the system. By ensuring that everyone knows how to best use the new software, we can help you get the most out of your investment, while maintaining security for all your critical financial data.

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If your business does not currently have accounting staff or if your business is outgrowing its current bookkeeping system, we can provide comprehensive bookkeeping and write-up services to ensure the smooth operation of the financial side of your business. As your business needs grow and change, we can provide input and planning assistance to make sure your accounting and financial systems keep pace with your business needs.

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Business Consulting

Business success depends on timely identification of both problems and opportunities, and efficient development of strategies to respond to both. As your trusted business consultant, we combine dedication to your success with wide-ranging business acumen to offer honest, objective advice on everything from minor restructuring to preparing a business for sale.

We will take the time to learn about your company’s unique challenges, goals and current strategies. We then draw on years of business analysis experience to help you address inefficiencies, and identify and capitalize on hidden growth potential. We empower you and your team to make well-informed choices for the future of your business.

Whether you need short-term assistance with a major transition, or a long-term partner in strategic planning, we can help you unlock the full potential of your business.

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Payroll Services

Payroll administration poses ongoing challenges for business owners, due to constantly changing federal, state, and local tax laws and other regulations. Often, highly impactful changes to payroll management rules and procedures occur during times of economic distress, when your key personnel’s attention is divided between a wide array of issues.

Our payroll services professionals will work with your staff to implement sound payroll administration practices that can be swiftly adapted whenever the need arises. We closely monitor changes in payroll regulations, tax laws, and compliance requirements, ensuring that your business stays informed and compliant with any updates that could impact your payroll processes and employees.

By ensuring that payroll runs smoothly through every change in regulations, economic realities, and the size of your staff, we can help you stay focused on growing your business.

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Sales Tax Services

Online sales tax collection, complying with state and local sales tax rules is more important and complex than ever. With regulations varying by state and even from one municipality to the next, sales tax compliance can quickly grow extremely complex, even for a small company with one location.

We will help you understand and meet all of your sales tax obligations, including calculating use taxes (if applicable) and filing timely and accurate returns. We can also help you determine whether changes in your operations might increase or decrease your sales tax liability.

Sales and use taxes are a primary revenue source for many states, counties, and cities, so government revenue departments strive to maximize collections. Working with an experienced sales tax partner helps ensure that you neither underpay nor overpay.

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Tax Preparation & Planning

Effective tax preparation and planning can help you to minimize your future tax liability. Taxes may be a certainty in life, but worrying about them doesn’t have to be. For individuals, we can save you time, money and stress by preparing and filing your returns, while claiming every allowable deduction and credit. For businesses, we can help by minimizing your tax liability, while ensuring that you stay in compliance with all federal, state and local regulations.

Accurate and timely filing of returns is only the beginning of an effective tax strategy, however. Every personal or business financial decision, from buying a house to selling investment holdings, from expanding staff to replacing aging equipment, can have significant tax implications. Successful tax planning rests on understanding all of these impacts before the decision is made, so that you can act at the most advantageous time. Let us show you how.

Our country’s ever-changing tax code places heavy burdens on both individuals and companies, but it also holds extraordinary opportunities if you know where to look. Our experts are here to guide you along the path from basic tax compliance to a strategy for long-term tax minimization.

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